blue and white van parked near white building during daytime

Branding your vehicle design (correctly) can boost recognition

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21 June, 2024
2 mins read

Company vehicles play a pivotal role for a range of businesses, from those deploying traveling sales teams to those offering domestic services. While branding your fleet may not be a necessity, it’s certainly worth considering due to its myriad benefits, such as increased brand visibility and recognition.

Branding can be added to cars, vans, and other vehicles in multiple ways, from displaying your logo to using your brand colors. As you or your employees drive around, these branded vehicles spread your message and market your business throughout the day.

Why brand your vehicles?

a red and white truck driving down a street next to tall buildings

Branding company vehicles offers several excellent benefits. Primarily, it boosts brand visibility and recognition. Whether a vehicle is on the road or parked in a visible spot, your branding gets seen. Potential customers can see your company name, understand what you do, and possibly find contact information. Next time they need your products or services, your brand might be the first they recall. Moreover, vehicle branding can lend an official look to your fleet, providing a sense of security and professionalism.

Your vehicle branding can include a phone number, website, or social media handles, making it easy for potential customers to reach out and learn more about you. Displaying special promotions can also serve as an extra incentive to attract interest.

Paint or wrap the vehicle

a large truck driving down a street next to a tall building

Branding your vehicles can start with painting them in your brand colors or wrapping them with a complete design. Choosing a color that matches your brand visuals can be as simple as buying vehicles in a suitable color or painting them according to The Vehicle Wrapping Centre . You might not paint the entire vehicle but add splashes of your brand’s color.

Vehicle wraps are another option for adding a full design to a company vehicle. Typically made from vinyl, wraps allow for any design to be printed and applied to the vehicle, avoiding the lengthy process of painting. Besides changing the vehicle’s appearance, wraps are useful for adding logos, advertisements, and more. They also protect the vehicle’s exterior, preventing costly scratches.

Make the logo prominent

man near red Budweiser trailer truck parked near concrete building during daytime

When branding your company vehicles, prominently displaying your logo is essential. Given that vehicles may only be seen briefly while on the move, a logo quickly tells viewers who you are and what you do. Logos can be placed in several spots on a vehicle, such as the front, back, and sides, depending on the vehicle’s size and type.

Consider the placement of your logo and name in relation to doors, especially sliding doors that might obscure parts of the design when open. Ensure the design remains coherent and professional, even when doors are open.

Include clear messaging

man standing in front of DHL truck door

In addition to your logo, consider incorporating some brand messaging. Your brand slogan or tagline is an excellent choice, as it conveys not only what you do but also your brand’s personality and values. Space is limited, so keep the message concise.

Great example of a concise message is DHL with “Excellence. Simpy delivered.”

Adding brief information about your business can be helpful. A short list of services or products you offer, presented in clear bullet points, can make it immediately obvious what your business does. This is particularly important if your name or logo doesn’t clearly indicate your business’s nature.

Get custom number plates

Customizing your vehicle plates is a unique way to enhance branding. Private plates can make your vehicles more recognizable and add a playful touch. This approach works best with a small number of vehicles, as you might run out of relevant plate ideas with a larger fleet. For sole traders or small teams, unique plates can increase public recognition and foster a sense of ownership and pride among drivers.

Show you care about good driving

Boosting brand visibility and reputation isn’t just about vehicle appearance; it’s also about driving behavior. Public perception of your company will be influenced by how your drivers behave on the road. You can use your vehicle branding to show that you value good driving. Including a contact number or email address for feedback about driving performance is a simple but effective addition.

To sum it up

Branding your company vehicles can significantly enhance brand recognition and serve as a mobile marketing tool. By thoughtfully integrating branding elements, you can ensure that your fleet not only looks professional but also effectively promotes your business on the go.

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David Ryckman

David is a regular contributor and sub-editor for Who Design Today. He is a Managing Partner at Kwibb and has a keen eye for design and branding.

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