Willed, the death startup's homepage design.
Credit: Willed.com.au

How Willed use a bright and colorfully designed interface for their “death startup”

Willed, one of Australia's leading sites that offer an online will service – the perfect example of how even the most morbid of niches can standout with a bright and colorful design, teamed with an easy UIX.
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25 June, 2024
1 min read

Willed, a standout in the niche of online will services, demonstrates how even the most morbid topics can be approached with a fresh, engaging design. With a recent $6 million boost from investors, Willed’s colorful interface and user-friendly experience set it apart.

The story of Willed

Traditional will writing can be cumbersome and costly. Willed offers a streamlined, tech-savvy solution that simplifies the process.

Co-founded by Aaron Zelman, Dave Kaplan, and Tim Glasson in 2019 and launched in 2020, Willed is pitched as Australia’s leading “deathtech” brand​, as per Startup Daily ​. Their platform allows users to create legally valid wills online, removing the barriers of time and expense.

Founders of Willed.com.au
Founders of Willed, Tim Glasson, Aaron Zelman and Dave Kaplan. Credit: Willed.com.au

Design and user experience

When you think of getting a will written, your first thoughts are a dark and uninviting legal setting in office with a legal representative. Willed has turned the whole process on it’s head.

Willed’s website boasts a bright, inviting design that demystifies the daunting task of will writing. The interface is intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and complete their wills with confidence. This design choice not only engages users but also alleviates the discomfort often associated with end-of-life planning.

Clean and effective CTA sections

Willed CTA section.
Credit: Willed.com.au
Credit: Willed.com.au
Credit: Willed.com.au
Credit: Willed.com.au
Credit: Willed.com.au

The services Willed offer

Willed provides comprehensive services, including:

  • Online will creation: Users can draft their wills quickly and affordably.
  • Probate assistance: Professional guidance through the probate process.
  • Funeral planning: Tools to plan and manage funeral arrangements.

Each service is designed to be straightforward and supportive, ensuring users have a seamless experience during challenging times.

Willed services offered.
Credit: Willed.com.au

Positive customer feedback underscores Willed’s impact. Testimonials highlight the ease of use and the peace of mind provided by the service. Reviews.io shows over 1,000 reviews of satisfied users reinforce the platform’s effectiveness and reliability. Willed has already attracted tens of thousands of users, underscoring its widespread acceptance and reliability​.

To sum Willed up

Willed is revolutionizing the way people approach end-of-life planning. By combining a bright, engaging design with essential services, Willed makes the process of writing a will accessible and less daunting. Their innovative approach and user-friendly platform are setting new standards in the industry.

For more information, visit www.willed.com.au.

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David Ryckman

David is a regular contributor and sub-editor for Who Design Today. He is a Managing Partner at Kwibb and has a keen eye for design and branding.

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