Jared Bauman
Credit: Jared Bauman.

This agency CEO shares his secrets for balancing tasks and scaling businesses

An exclusive interview with Jared Bauman as he shares his extensive knowledge and experience in SEO, business strategy, and marketing.
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30 July, 2024
8 mins read

Jared Bauman, Co-Founder and CEO of 201 Creative, LLC , shares his extensive experience in SEO, business strategy, and marketing. With over 20 years in the industry and a proven track record of success, Jared reveals the systems, processes, and strategies that have helped him scale multiple businesses. 

We distilled his insights into actionable steps that you can implement right away to optimize your processes, enhance productivity, and achieve sustainable growth.

1. Building a strong foundation for your agency

Specialize and niche down

Jared emphasizes the importance of specialization. By focusing on SEO and not diluting efforts with paid ads or other unrelated services, his agency, 201 Creative, has carved out a niche that attracts referrals and builds a strong reputation. 

Specializing allows you to develop deep expertise and offer superior services to your clients.

Understand your clientele

Most of 201 Creative’s clients are small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), often local businesses or e-commerce and SaaS companies. Knowing your target market helps tailor your services to meet their specific needs and sets the foundation for long-term relationships.

Remote and flexible team structure

201 Creative operates with a remote team, allowing flexibility and access to a broader talent pool. This setup helps manage costs and provides team members with the autonomy to work from anywhere, enhancing job satisfaction and productivity.

2. Daily systems and processes for optimal productivity

Systems and processes are a huge key to scaling a company. Bauman often shares insights on this in his weekly newsletter Weekend Growth. Here are the key elements. 

Structured weekly schedule

Jared Bauman’s structured weekly schedule is a masterclass in time management and productivity. By organizing his week into distinct themes, Jared ensures that each day has a clear focus, which minimizes context-switching and maximizes efficiency.

  • Monday: This day is intentionally left free from meetings to allow for strategic thinking and long-term planning. Jared uses this time for vision casting, brainstorming new ideas, and tackling any high-level challenges the agency might be facing. This flexibility also allows him to address any urgent issues that arose over the weekend, providing a buffer to handle unexpected tasks without derailing the rest of his week.
  • Tuesday & Wednesday: These days are packed with meetings, both internal and with clients. By clustering meetings on these two days, Jared ensures that the rest of the week remains free for deep work. Internal meetings might include team check-ins, project updates, and strategy sessions, while client meetings are focused on reviewing progress, discussing strategy, and addressing any questions or concerns.
  • Thursday: Reserved exclusively for podcasting and interviews, Thursday is dedicated to Jared’s role as a thought leader. Hosting the Niche Pursuits podcast requires preparation, recording, and post-production work. By setting aside a full day, Jared can focus on delivering high-quality content without the distraction of other tasks.
  • Friday: Task day is all about execution. Jared uses Fridays to catch up on any tasks that require his attention, work on ongoing projects, and push initiatives forward. This day is also a time for reflection, where Jared reviews the week’s progress and plans for the upcoming week.

Early morning focus

Starting his day at 5:30 AM, Jared leverages the quiet, distraction-free hours of the morning for high-priority tasks. This early start allows him to tackle the most challenging and important work while his mind is fresh and focused. 

During these first two hours of the day, Jared might work on complex client issues, strategic planning, or high-level problem-solving.

Jared’s morning routine is designed to maximize productivity and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. After this initial work session, he spends time with his family, having breakfast with his kids and helping them start their day. 

This integration of personal and professional time ensures that Jared maintains a healthy work-life balance.

Balancing family and work

Family time is a crucial component of Jared’s daily routine. By prioritizing his family in the morning, Jared not only strengthens his personal relationships but also ensures that he starts the day with a sense of fulfillment and balance. 

This approach highlights the importance of work-life harmony, demonstrating that success in business does not have to come at the expense of personal well-being.

3. Client management and interaction

Monthly check-ins

Regular, structured communication is key to maintaining strong client relationships. Jared schedules 30-minute monthly check-ins with each client to review key performance indicators (KPIs), discuss progress, and address any questions or concerns. 

These meetings are critical for maintaining transparency and ensuring that both the client and the agency are aligned on goals and expectations.

The format of these check-ins is designed to be efficient and focused. By keeping these meetings to 30 minutes, Jared ensures that they remain productive and to the point. 

Clients appreciate the regular updates and the opportunity to ask questions, which helps build trust and confidence in the agency’s work.

Detailed preparation

Preparation is a cornerstone of 201 Creative’s approach to client meetings. For each scheduled call, the team prepares a detailed agenda and set of notes, which are stored in a shared Google Doc within the client’s repository. 

This document is reviewed by all participants ahead of the meeting to ensure everyone is on the same page.

The preparation process is thorough and involves collaboration between team members. The SEO strategist and client managers work together to compile relevant data, insights, and updates, which are then reviewed by Jared. 

This meticulous preparation ensures that the team is ready to address any client queries and demonstrate their expertise, fostering trust and satisfaction.

Education and empowerment

Jared believes that clients should never make decisions they do not understand. This educational approach is especially important in the complex world of SEO, where strategies and tactics can often seem opaque. 

During monthly check-ins and other interactions, Jared takes the time to explain the reasoning behind recommendations and the expected outcomes.

By educating clients, Jared empowers them to make informed decisions and actively participate in the strategy. This approach not only builds trust but also helps clients feel more invested in the process, leading to better collaboration and more successful outcomes.

Handling one-off meetings

In addition to regular check-ins, Jared’s team also conducts one-off meetings to address specific issues or projects. For example, if a technical audit reveals issues that need to be discussed with the client’s development team, a dedicated call will be scheduled to align on the necessary steps.

These one-off meetings are carefully planned and can be managed either by the client manager alone or with Jared’s involvement, depending on the complexity and strategic importance of the issue. 

This flexibility ensures that the right expertise is brought to bear on each problem, optimizing the chances of a successful resolution.

4. Handling priorities and delegation

The Eisenhower Matrix

Jared Bauman uses the Eisenhower Matrix, a time management tool developed by former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This method helps in making clear distinctions between what needs immediate attention and what can be scheduled or delegated.

The Eisenhower Matrix consists of four quadrants:

  1. Urgent and important: Tasks that require immediate action. These are critical issues that need to be addressed to avoid significant negative consequences. For example, resolving a major website outage for a client.
  2. Important but not urgent: Tasks that are important for long-term success but do not require immediate action. These tasks should be scheduled and worked on proactively. For example, planning a new content strategy or developing a new service offering.
  3. Urgent but not important: Tasks that need immediate attention but do not contribute significantly to long-term goals. These tasks are often distractions and can be delegated to others. For example, responding to routine email inquiries or handling administrative tasks.
  4. Not Urgent and not important: Tasks that are neither important nor urgent. These tasks are often time-wasters and should be minimized or eliminated. For example, unnecessary meetings or excessive social media browsing.

By categorizing tasks into these quadrants, Jared ensures that he focuses on high-priority activities that drive the most value for his business. This approach helps him manage his time effectively and avoid getting bogged down by less critical tasks.

Delegating effectively

Effective delegation is a key aspect of Jared’s leadership style. He believes in empowering his team to take ownership of tasks and make decisions, which not only builds their skills but also frees up his time to focus on higher-level strategic work.

Steps to effective delegation

  1. Identify tasks to delegate: Jared identifies tasks that can be delegated based on their importance and urgency. Tasks that are important but not urgent, or urgent but not important, are prime candidates for delegation.
  2. Choose the right person: Jared carefully selects team members based on their skills, experience, and capacity. He ensures that the person taking on the task has the necessary resources and support to succeed.
  3. Set clear expectations: Clear communication is crucial for effective delegation. Jared outlines the specific goals, deadlines, and deliverables for each task, ensuring that the team member understands what is expected.
  4. Provide resources and support: Jared ensures that the delegated tasks come with the necessary resources and support. This might include access to tools, information, or additional training.
  5. Follow up and provide feedback: Regular check-ins and feedback are essential to track progress and address any challenges. Jared provides constructive feedback to help team members improve and succeed in their roles.

Encouraging ownership and buy-in

Jared fosters a culture of ownership and accountability within his team. By involving team members in decision-making processes and encouraging them to propose solutions, he ensures that they are invested in the outcomes. 

This approach not only enhances their commitment but also leads to better solutions, as team members are often closer to the issues and understand them more deeply.

Empowerment in practice

  • Problem-solving: When a team member brings an issue to Jared, he first asks for their proposed solution. This practice encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, empowering team members to take initiative and responsibility.
  • Decision-making: Jared involves his team in strategic decisions, ensuring that they have a voice in the direction of the business. This collaborative approach builds a sense of ownership and aligns the team with the company’s goals.
  • Recognition and reward: Acknowledging and rewarding team members for their contributions reinforces a culture of ownership. Jared recognizes the efforts and successes of his team, motivating them to continue taking initiative and delivering high-quality work.

Balancing immediate and long-term priorities

Jared’s approach to prioritization involves balancing immediate tasks with long-term strategic goals. By using the Eisenhower Matrix and effective delegation, he ensures that urgent issues are addressed promptly without neglecting important long-term objectives.

Balancing techniques

  • Strategic planning: Jared allocates specific times for strategic planning and high-level thinking. By dedicating Monday as a free day for strategic tasks, he ensures that long-term priorities are not overshadowed by day-to-day operations.
  • Time blocking: Jared uses time blocking to allocate dedicated time slots for different types of tasks. This method helps him maintain focus on high-priority activities and ensures that strategic projects receive adequate attention.
  • Regular reviews: Regularly reviewing and adjusting priorities is essential for staying on track. Jared conducts weekly reviews to assess progress, realign goals, and adjust his schedule as needed to ensure that both immediate and long-term priorities are balanced.

Creating a culture of continuous improvement

Jared’s emphasis on prioritization and delegation is part of a broader culture of continuous improvement at 201 Creative. By constantly evaluating and refining processes, Jared ensures that the agency operates efficiently and effectively, delivering the best possible results for clients.

Continuous improvement practices

  • Feedback loops: Jared encourages feedback from clients and team members to identify areas for improvement. This feedback is used to refine processes, enhance services, and address any issues promptly.
  • Process optimization: Regularly reviewing and optimizing processes helps eliminate inefficiencies and improve performance. Jared and his team analyze workflows, identify bottlenecks, and implement changes to streamline operations.
  • Training and development: Investing in team development is crucial for continuous improvement. Jared provides ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure that team members stay current with industry trends and continuously improve their skills.


Jared Bauman’s approach to running an SEO agency is a blend of strategic specialization, meticulous planning, and client-centric service. 

By implementing the systems and processes outlined in this guide, you can enhance your agency’s productivity, build stronger client relationships, and achieve sustained business growth. 

Whether you’re an agency owner or a business looking to improve your SEO efforts, Jared’s insights offer a practical roadmap to success.

Additional sources: www.amazon.com/live/sawshubdiywoodworkingtips

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David Ryckman

David is a regular contributor and sub-editor for Who Design Today. He is a Managing Partner at Kwibb and has a keen eye for design and branding.

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