Credit: homepage.

How converts at 20% with their basic UIX design

4 September, 2024
4 mins read has a simple yet effective website design. Its basic user interface leads to high conversion rates, including a 20% conversion rate, which is impressive for the credit card comparison industry.

The site’s success comes from its easy-to-use layout. Visitors can quickly find and compare credit card options. The clean design helps users focus on the important details without getting lost.

You might wonder how a basic design can be so effective. The answer lies in its user-friendly approach. By keeping things simple, makes it easy for people to find the right credit card for their needs. This straightforward process keeps users engaged and more likely to take action.

Leonardo Gallardo , Lead UX/UI Designer at, explains the simplicity of design choice, “our philosophy at is simple: less is more. We’ve found that a clean, uncluttered interface helps users focus on what really matters—finding the right credit card for their needs.”

Efficacy of simplicity in UIX design

Simple design in user interfaces leads to better experiences and higher conversion rates. Clean layouts and clear information help users quickly find what they need.

Principles of basic UIX

Basic UIX focuses on removing unnecessary elements and highlighting key features. You want to use plenty of white space to avoid clutter. Stick to a limited color palette with high contrast. Choose readable fonts and consistent sizing.

Make navigation intuitive with clear labels and logical groupings. Place important buttons and calls-to-action where users expect them. Use familiar icons and symbols to guide users.

Keep forms short and only ask for essential information. Break long processes into smaller steps. Provide helpful tooltips and error messages to guide users.

Impact on user engagement

A simple design helps users focus on your main message without distractions. Clear interfaces reduce cognitive load, making it easier for people to take action. This leads to longer time on site and more pages viewed.

Users are more likely to trust and feel comfortable with a clean, professional design. They’ll be more willing to enter personal information or make purchases. Simple designs also load faster, reducing bounce rates on mobile devices.

Consistent layouts help users build familiarity with your site. They’ll navigate more confidently and complete desired actions more often.

Conversion focused layout strategies

Place your main value proposition and call-to-action above the fold. Use clear, benefit-focused headlines to grab attention. Make buttons stand out with contrasting colors and descriptive text.

Group related information together to help users make decisions. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and images to break up text. Highlight key features and pricing information in easy-to-scan formats.

Remove distractions from conversion pages. Limit navigation options and focus on guiding users to the next step. Use progress indicators for multi-step processes to reduce abandonment.

Include trust signals like security badges and customer testimonials near conversion points. Make contact information easily accessible to address concerns.’s UIX approach uses a basic yet effective user interface design. Their approach focuses on key elements that guide users smoothly through the comparison process.

Navigational ease and user flow

The site’s layout is simple and clear. You’ll find a top menu bar with main categories like credit cards, loans, and insurance. This lets you quickly jump to the product you want.

The homepage features a prominent search tool. You can enter your preferences and get matched with suitable cards right away. This direct approach saves time and reduces frustration.

As you move through the site, you’ll notice consistent navigation. Each page has similar layouts, making it easy to find information. The site uses breadcrumbs, so you always know where you are and can backtrack easily.

Visual clarity and call-to-action keeps things visually clean. They use a light color scheme with splashes of blue for emphasis. This creates a calm, professional look that’s easy on the eyes.

Important buttons stand out in bright colors. “Compare Now” and “Apply” buttons are hard to miss. This clear design helps guide your actions on the site.

Product listings use simple tables or cards. Each option shows key details like interest rates and fees upfront. You can quickly scan and compare options without feeling overwhelmed.

Trust elements and user reassurance

The site displays trust badges prominently. You’ll see logos of partner banks and security certifications. This helps build confidence in the service.

TrustPilot user reviews are featured throughout the site. Real customer feedback adds credibility and helps you make informed choices.

Clear disclaimers and information about how the comparison service works are easily accessible. This transparency builds trust and sets realistic expectations.

The site also offers educational content. You’ll find articles explaining credit card terms and tips for choosing the right card. This extra value helps position as a helpful resource, not just a comparison tool.

Analyzing the 20% conversion rate’s 20% conversion rate stands out in the industry. This high performance comes from smart design choices and effective user experience strategies.

Metrics and analysis methods

Tracking conversion rate involves several key metrics. The site likely uses tools like Google Analytics to measure:

  • Click-through rates on card offers
  • Time spent on comparison pages
  • Bounce rates from landing pages
  • User paths through the site

A/B testing helps refine design elements. This involves showing different versions of pages to users and comparing results. The site might test:

  • Button colors and placement
  • Card image sizes
  • Text formatting for key features
  • Layout of comparison tables

Heat mapping shows where users click most often. This guides placement of important elements like “Apply Now” buttons.

Comparative performance benchmarks

The 20% rate far exceeds industry standards. Most financial sites see conversion rates around 2-5%.

Factors behind this success include:

  • Clear, easy-to-read comparison tables
  • Prominent display of key card features
  • Simple navigation between card options
  • Trust signals like security badges and user reviews

The site likely conducts regular competitor analysis. This helps them stay ahead of design trends in the credit card comparison space.

User feedback plays a big role too. Surveys and usability tests reveal pain points and areas for improvement. Quick fixes to these issues can boost conversion rates fast.

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Adedoyin Ogunmola

Adedoyin Ogunmola is a regular writer for Who Design Today with 2+ years of experience, working with B2B SaaS and Ed-tech brands. His ability to write authentic and high-quality content is reinforced by his unique writing philosophy: “Show, don’t just tell”.

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